Warning Signs of Affair Vulnerability

  • Unexplained discontent with your spouse
  • Feelings of being trapped in your marriage
  • An overwhelming sense that your needs are not being met
  • A desire to be away from your spouse
  • A reluctance to spend time at home
  • Fantasies about being married to someone else
  • Comparing your marriage to other marriages
  • Attraction to someone of the opposite sex
  • A constant preoccupation with  someone else
  • An unhealthy attachment to a coworker, friend or acquaintance of the opposite sex

The above warning signs come from this article.  Yep, Allie had all of those. Instead of coming to me and conversing, she had an affair. If your wife is in a place like this, do something. It won’t end well.

“I don’t want to think about it”

Whenever I mention something about the affair Allie and Mark had, she will often reply, “I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want my mind to go there.” For me, that would be a virtual impossibility. I can remember pretty vivid details about most sexual encounters I had with different women…whether I think about it or not. The details are there. They will always be there.